Monday 27 August 2012

I have not been at all active for some time

Friday, August 03, 2007 Hi readers, Have not been at all active lately. At least not on this blog. The blog served it's purpose. Or, to be more precise, did not. I set it up specifically to rouse the massed ranks of the SSP into a revolt against the rotten elements who had usurped control against Tommy Sheridan. The blog was set up in the lead up to the 2006 SSP conference. In almost every respect, this was a great conference. Policy-wise, it was the best ever. Those who were a year later to go on to form the treacherous "United Left" (a misnomer if ever there was one) were trounced at every turn, with the most nationalist and right-wing (like drugs' spokesperson Kevin Williamson and press officer Eddie Truman) losing pretty much all the contentious votes. Tommy did not just return to the executive with the most votes on the male section, much to the disgust of McCombes, Baldassarra et al, he was elected top of the poll for one of the key posts of co-chair. Alas, all this was a pyhric victory. I had hoped that those who wanted to see the backs of the rats would coalese into a slate to replace McCombes' majority on the party's executive. Unfortunately, the SWP and the CWI and the non-aligned group either would not or could not agree. They fought each other while McCombes' ragbag employed the divide and conquer strategy, with predictable results. McCombes did seem to have suffered a further set-back from the collapse of his place-men and women the previous year. However, he still held onto a bare majority and could use the divisions between Tommy's supporters to stop them getting anything through the executive. It was necessary to mobilise for the more representative national council to get anything done. And then we saw the moral collapse of some of Tommy's key supporters, primarily Colin Fox, who was our candidate. Fox proved to be the weak character that McCombes portrayed him as during the leadership election campaign. Because of Tommy's supporters being an ad hoc group who pretended that Fox would save the party, it was not until this betrayal, on the very eve of a court case (one that had been in preparation for the previous eighteen months) that Tommy and his supporters finally stood up for ourselves. At the May 2006 national council, McCombes' supporters not only lost every single vote, while Tommy's supporters won them all, this time we pulled no punches. Our three hundred strong national council (including around 150 party observers) called for an end to the disgusting whispering campaign by the executive. Defeated time after time, our national convenor said that while he disagreed with all the votes, he was a democrat and would implement them. What a disgusting liar he turned out to be. There was to be one more national council held by the executive. Then they disobeyed all the decisions taken by the national council, and chose to suspend the next national council, knowing that the branches had mobilised for motions of censure against the rats, and that all of them would be kicked out of the executive at the following national council, and, if I had my way, expelled from the party. Unfortunately, a decision was taken by the overwhelming majority of Tommy's supporters to simply abandon this train wreck of a party, and start with a fresh slate, which now goes by the name Solidarity. I am going to leave things here for the moment. But I promise not to wait so long before posting again. This blog is here to stay. Iago Labels: From Clown Fux to Solidarity posted by Iago @ 10:06 PM

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